Game Storage Medium
Console developers such as playstation, microsft and nintendo all use propratery memory hard drives to store games, save data, downloads and music. Using propriatrey memory allows the company to stop copyright using being used, gives them %100 of the income and helps prevent hacked software from being installed or used on the console systems. Although these consoles use propriatery memory for Harddrives these consoles support flash memory sticks for transfering data between consoles and taking save data with you on the go.

Flash Memory
Flash memory can be used on the latest consoles to transfer data, saved games, downloaded files, profiles and is a usefull means of extra storage for consoles with low memory built however only new consoles support flash memory therefore they already have the necassary hardrive capacity needed.
Digital versatile disc, Universal Media disc and Magnetic Tape
DVD is another means of storage as they can be used to store data, boot operating systems, run games, videos and music. DVD allow users to travel with the data easily as there small and most gaminig devices are compatibale with them.
Universal media discs are a more compact and smaller type of DVD disc however the amount of data that can be stored on them is lower that the regular DVD dics. UMD's have become very well know in the use of portable gaming as the origanl psp uses this to run games and movies. Both DVD and UMD are optical based.
Magnetic tape is another means of storing data it uses a thing magnetizable coating to allow for magnetic recording to take place, most games consoles dont use this type of means as picture quailty and sound quality is low. Devices that use this type of medium are usally tape records and tape players.