
Console connectivity

Computers, Gaming devices and mobile phones require different conenctions to create a effective user experience whether its including internet access connections, headphones jacks, high resolution outputs, usb ports and other wireless connectivity.

Controller Ports

All consoles use controller ports or use wireless technology to connect there controllers so users can controll the console with them, basic controllers were first released with wired connections and very basic user interface with a anologue stick and a few buttons however new controllers for the latest generation of consoles are nearly all wirless with to anologue sticks, d-pad, buttons, bumpers and triggers. Consoles such as the xbox 360 allows for controllers to be connected through controller ports or 4 controllers connected through wireless.

Local area network/Wide are network ,Internet and Broadband

Consoles not only haave the possibility to play games localy on the console they also have connectivity to online and local are newtorks, one of the first consoles to implment this was the dreamcast which had a local are network connection allowing users to connect to console's through a ethernet or telephone wire which allowed them to communicate and play together over the local network connection.

New generation cosoles such as the xbox 360 and Playstation 3 have built in Wireless cards and ethernet connections for WAN and LAN allowing them to play multiplayer globaly and over the same local network.

Consoles allow for internet and broadband connection therefore the consoles have fast internet connections therefore the consoles producer can offer services like downloads, streaming, online gaming and surfing the web.


Consoles such as the playstation 3 offer a bluetooth connection to there console, this allows for peripherals such as microphones and the Playstation portable to connect the the console within in a 15m radius also the playstation portable can use this bluetooth connection to send files to playstation 3.